A Custom Engineered Guarding Fabricator
1) Issue: Engineering quotations were late 27% of the time – leading to customer dissatisfaction.
Countermeasure: Analysis of process showed that lack of standard procedures led to delays.
Standard work implemented to reduce late quotations to less than 5%
A Corrugated Box Manufacturer
2) Issue: Minor delays in downtime while waiting for WIP to arrive at machine centers ended up costing $195K per year in losses for a corrugated box manufacturer.
Countermeasure: Analysis of issues resulted in process changes in point-of-use storage and labeling to make it easier to find WIP
A Cocoa Processing Company
3) Issue: Warehouse damages for a cocoa producer was costing over $500K in lost product per year – leading to shipping delays and excess cost.
Countermeasure: Analysis of the issues led to simple changes in layout, racking and handling practices that reduced losses by over 80%.
A Medical Device Manufacturer
4) Issue: A medical device manufacturer was having excessive failures on a collagen-based product that were costing over $400K per year in scrap.
Countermeasure: Analysis of the failures showed process and equipment issues that reduced the losses by 70% once changes were implemented.