Spotlight on CI


         Practical solutions for the real world

 October 2020                                                                 Suburban Philadelphia, PA                                               


On My Mind:


Upcoming Events:

Fall Certification Series:

We've been building online courses now for the last few months and can deliver training using video conferencing.  In-person training onsite is best for making real improvements to your operations.  Still, you can do a lot of improvements by filming an area or process and sharing online.  

Courses are scheduled for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021.

Lean Practitioner - Starts Oct  2020

Six Sigma Green Belt - Starts Oct  2020

Six Sigma Black Belt - Starts Jan 2021

Click on the links for specific dates and course agendas.

Courses are held on a rotating basis among participant locations to expose students to several different industries and projects.

Project coaching is included as well and courses will be offered in a hybrid or online format, depending on the social situation at the time.  

CI Terms Defined


"Total Productive Maintenance"

Also known as TPM.  Aims at maximizing equipment effectiveness throughout the entire life of the equipment. It seeks to involve maintenance and operators in a program to keep equipment running effectively. 

A key metric is "OEE" - Operational Equipment Effectiveness - which is calculated by measuring uptime, run rate, and scrap to generate an overall metric we can use as a baseline to determine the impact of future improvements.

                 OEE = %uptime x % run rate x quality rate%

Video Links from Youtube:  

Exact Instructions Challenge - PB&J - <7 minutes. A hilarious example of what can occur when reading standard work somebody else produced in a vacuum.

GE Appliances Application of Lean Enterprise - <2.5 minutes. Taking Lean from the factory floor to applying the principles to systems.

 boat dock